Hurricane Michael – Albany Recovery Resources + Updates
Hurricane Michael moved through Albany, Georgia on Wednesday October 10 as a Category 3 Hurricane, causing community-wide damage including mass power outages, loss of water supply, loss of revenue to businesses and structural and property damage. The below is a compiled list of recovery resources and updates as they are made available.
Updates from the City of Albany:
- Status updates: http://www.albanyga.gov
- Power outage map: http://www.albanyga.gov/about-us/city-departments/engineering-department/outage-map
- Customer storm outage report survey, in partnership with Dougherty County: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/P8B5FP5
Updates from Dougherty County:
- Status updates: https://www.facebook.com/DoCoEMA/
- For direct recovery-related questions or concerns, contact the Dougherty County Emergency Management Agency at 229.431.2155.
Food + Water
- National Guard Disaster Response Pods – Located at 2424 Sylvester Rd. in Albany (Former Winn Dixie site) and 445 Oakland Pkwy. in Leesburg (Oakland Library).
- Salvation Army Mobile Food Units – Located at 420 N. Westover Blvd. (First Free Will Baptist Church), 3500 MLK Jr. Dr. (Robert Cross Park), corner of Rosebrier and E. Massey (Tallulah Massey Park) and 800 Willie Pitts Jr. Rd. (Gordon Sports Complex), call 22.255.6048.
- Albany Fire Station No. 1 – Located at 320 N. Jackson St., call 229.431.3262.
- Albany Sand Dunes – Located on Sands Dr. off of E. Oglethorpe Dr.
- Mike’s Country Store, Putney – Located at 2305 Liberty Expy., call 229.496.1055.
Medical Assistance
- Non-Emergent Elderly Medical Transport – Albany Transit, call 229.483.6226 or 229.483.2667.
- For emergent medical needs, please call Dougherty County EMS at 911.
Debris Removal + Disaster Supplies
- Samaritan’s Purse – Located at 925 Pine Ave. (Former Coca-Cola bottling plant), call 229.733.4423.
- Albany Chain Gang – call 229-234-0038 or 229-234-0191.
- SBC Disaster Relief Team – Located at First Baptist Church at 145 Oakland Pkwy. in Leesburg, call 601.259. 2940.
- National Guard Disaster Response Pods – Located at 2424 Sylvester Rd. in Albany (Former Winn Dixie site) and 445 Oakland Pkwy. in Leesburg (Oakland Library).
- World Vision at Greater Cutliff Grove Missionary Baptist Church – Located at 841 W. Broad Ave., call 229.344.3199.
Shelter, Services + Personal Supplies
- American Red Cross- Providing shelter and food, located at 1010 Old Pretoria Rd (Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church), call 229.439.0334
- New Birth Fellowship Church – Providing shelter and showers, located at 2106 Radium Springs Rd., call 229.436.7658.
- Porterfield United Methodist Church – Washing laundry, call 22.446.6336.
- Planet Fitness – Providing showers, call 229.888.8689.
- St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church – Filtering water, call 864.923.4263.
- Volunteer-service needs assessment form from Albany Relief & Recovery: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8LBKiy2nedMJ0KpB64nc1DQLPAbvWXBIPh-NYw0SV5DAuDQ/viewformfbclid=IwAR0ou40nc9hz6NZ4_4Rt2yTp3s53uLCoyuinGbweCcP5qYI1wGcGfORm5WQ
Personal Financial Support
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance – Assistance including grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster are available to citizens of counties declared as federal disaster areas (Baker, Decatur, Dougherty, Early, Miller and Seminole) through FEMA. Apply online at https://www.disasterassistance.gov, or visit 1704 S. Slappey Blvd. (Albany Technical College) or 300 Cason St. Albany, GA 31705 (Isabella Complex) in person from 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday – Saturday and 1:00 p.m. – 7 p.m. on Sundays. Call the FEMA toll-free help line at 800.621.3362.
Business Assistance
- Physical and Economic Injury Disaster Loans – Available from the U.S. Small Business Administration in varying capacities to businesses and private non-profit organizations in federal disaster areas and surrounding counties. Apply online at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/ or visit 125 Pine Ave. Suite 142 Albany, GA 31701 (UGA SBDC office) in person from 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Monday – Saturday. Call the FEMA toll-free help line at 800.621.3362.
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance – Available from the Department of Labor to citizens of counties declared as federal disaster areas (Baker, Decatur, Dougherty, Early, Miller and Seminole) who are unemployed or partially unemployed as a direct result of Hurricane Michael. Application available online at https://www.dol.state.ga.us/WS4-MW5/cics.jsp?TRANSID=UCI1&FRMNAME=UCI1S or in person at any Department of Labor Career Center (Located in Albany at 1608 S. Slappey Blvd., call 229.430.5010).
- Consumer Protection Guide – https://albanyga.com/wp-content/uploads/consumer-protection-resources_AACC_2018.pdf.
- Damage and loss of revenue survey to be available ASAP from Albany Area Chamber of Commerce and Albany-Dougherty Economic Development Commission – stay tuned.
Spiritual Support
- Billy Graham Ministries – Samaritan’s Purse headquarters located at 925 Pine Ave. (Former Coca-Cola bottling plant).
- Sherwood Baptist Church – Call 229.886.4045.
How To Help:
- Gas cards, water, sports drinks, snacks, volunteers and monetary donations needed by Albany Chain Gang (checks payable to Albany Chain Gang), effective 10/15. Drop off at 2401 Dawson Rd. (Gieryic’s Automotive Repair) or 2231-D Dawson Rd. Call 229-234-0038 or 229-234-0191.
- Notepads and hand sanitizer needed at the Red Cross Shelter at the Albany Civic Center, effective 10/14. Located at 100 W Oglethorpe Blvd.
- Water, sports drinks, snack foods, tarps, gas cards and hand sanitizers needed at Samaritan’s Purse headquarters, effective 10/13. Located at 925 Pine Ave. (Former Coca-Cola bottling plant).
- Donate to the Dougherty County disaster relief fund via United Way at https://www.unitedwayswga.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=6.
- Donate towards disaster relief efforts via Mission Change at http://www.missionchange.com/donate/.
To submit additional information on recovery resources, please send information to [email protected].
In order to assist with accurate disaster reporting to FEMA and GEMA, please post public photos of structural or property damage to social media using hashtag “#MichaelAlbany.”

Hurricane Irma Resources
Official Emergency Management Website:
Official Social Media:
https://www.facebook.com/1doughertycountyga/ https://twitter.com/1doughertycoga
For Emergency Management Assistance call: 229-483-6226 /…

Hurricane Irma Resources
Official Emergency Management Website:
Official Social Media:
https://www.facebook.com/1doughertycountyga/ https://twitter.com/1doughertycoga
For Emergency Management Assistance call: 229-483-6226 / 6227 For power outages/utility inquiries: (229) 883.8330
Recommended Business closures:
Ideally, non-essential service businesses should shut down & release employees for safe travels home by 3pm (Sunday); 5pm, at the very latest. Businesses are encouraged to remain closed on Monday, pending weather updates.
City of Albany
- Location: Albany City Works ~ 1900 N. Monroe / Hodges St. (under the bridge)
- Time: Sunday 9.10.17 until 7p
- 10 sandbags per person
- Must show Dougherty County address on ID
Dougherty County
- Location: DoCo Public Works ~ 2100 Habersham
- Time: 24 hours (pending weather restrictions)
- 20 sandbags per person
Emergency Shelters:
Civic Center – 100 W Oglethorpe Blvd – Red Cross Shelter
Distribution Hubs:
Friendship Baptist Church – 400 Pine Ave
Sherwood Church – Coke Plant – 925 Pine Ave – 229-435-4578
Good Samaritan Shelters:
East Albany Church of God – 216 Pine Bluff Rd – 912-571-2820
Albany Family Worship Center – 3024 Kensington Ct – 229-434-0342
Pine Bluff Baptist Church – 499 Pine Bluff Rd – 435-4080
Greater Cutliff Grove Baptist Church – 835 W Broad Ave – 229-435-0060
Second Mt. Zion Baptist Church – 1010 Old Pretoria Rd – 229-439-0334
Byne Memorial Baptist Church – 2832 Ledo Rd – 229-436-5700
Mt. Zion Baptist Church – 901 S Westover Blvd – 229 432-6837
Lee County Shelters:
First Baptist Church Leesburg – Downtown – Main St – 229-255-8102 – Please Call First
First Baptist Church of Albany – 145 Oakland Parkway
Lowndes County Shelters
Park Ave Church – 100 E Park Ave – Valdosta – 229-242-3562
United Methodist – Monday – 109 W Valley St – Valdosta GA – 229-242-4050
First Baptist – 200 West Central Ave – Valdosta – 229-242-0484/229-242-3415
Mathis Auditorium – 2300 N Ashley St – Valdosta – 229-333-1816

Albany Storm Relief Resources
Albany Storm Relief Resources: Information regarding resources, donations and volunteer opportunities for Albany storm relief
Updates made as they become available. If…

Albany Storm Relief Resources
Albany Storm Relief Resources: Information regarding resources, donations and volunteer opportunities for Albany storm relief
Updates made as they become available. If you know of resources not listed here, please report them to [email protected]
*NOTICE: In order for the City and County to qualify for federal assistance, uninsured and underinsured damages must be documented. Access to federal assistance may provide resources that could assist in damage recovery and restoration efforts. To accurately track and document this damage, please fill out the following questionnaire so your personal property can be adequately accounted for. Both residential and commercial properties will be considered; assets such as sheds and automobiles will not. TAKE THE SURVEY HERE. *
Personal Assistance:
- FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) – Providing various levels of financial assistance to property owners affected by storms. Walk-in consultations available at the Disaster Recovery Center, located at the former East Albany police center at 1721 E. Oglethorpe Blvd. Hours are 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturdays. Assistance from GEMA (Georgia Emergency Management Agency) and SBA (U.S. Small Business Administration available at this location as well.
- American Red Cross– Providing assistance in the development of recovery plans through a multi-agency resource center, located at 2602 Dawson Rd. Hours are 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Thursday Feb 2 – Friday Feb 3, and 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday Feb 4.
- Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief– Offering free assistance to residential property owners who suffered storm damage. Sign up at First Baptist Albany, 145 Oakland Pkwy, Leesburg, GA. Call 470-389-3537 for more info.
- SafeAire– Dougherty County residents with central gas heating system who experienced damage can have a free system check to make sure their system is operating correctly. Call 229-883-5100 for more info.
- Harris 1 Trucking & Wrecker Service– Providing free towing to stuck or destroyed vehicles. Call 229-420-3711 for more info.
- Fast Copy & Blueprint– Providing fax, scanning and email services to those needing to relay documents and photos to insurance companies. Located at 1029 N. Westover Blvd. Call 229-434-0640 for more info.
- Aspire Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Services– Open for counseling sessions with no appointment needed in light of storm-related emotional stress. Located at 601 W 11th Ave. Call 229-430-4140 for more info.
- Mormon Helping Hands– Offering removal of drywall, insulation, flooring, carpeting, furniture, trees and debris, instillation of tarps, and other assistance at no cost to storm victims. Register by calling 800-451-1954.
Medical Assistance:
- Musculoskeletal Associates– Open to service non-emergent needs, walk-ins welcome. Located at 2311 Lake Park Dr, Albany, GA 31707. Call 229-435-0525 for more info.
Business Assistance:
- Albany-Dougherty Economic Development Commission & Albany Area Chamber of Commerce– Gauging business community needs through online survey, in order to assess damage and secure necessary resources. Take the survey here.
- Albany Area Chamber of Commerce– Offering a consumer protection guide to assist in contractor and service provider selections in the wake of storms. Guide is available here.
- Microbusiness Enterprise Center– Available meeting and office space. Located at 230 S Jackson Street. Call 229-420-4600 for more info.
- UGA Small Business Development Center– Conference room where businesses/individuals can utilize power and internet. Located at 125 Pine Avenue. Call 229-420-1144 for more info.
- CTSI– Small conference room, office space, IT services and disaster services. Located at 235 Cedric St. Leesburg, GA. Call Tammy McCrary at 229-446-9641.
- Albany Family Worship Center– Good Samaritan shelter holding up to 50, located at 3024 Kensington Court. Contact: 229-434-0342.
- First Baptist Putney– Good Samaritan shelter located at 1125 Antioch Rd. Contact: 229-436-5101.
- East Albany Church of God– Good Samaritan shelter holding 75-100, located at 216 Pine Bluff Rd., Albany. Contact: 706-566-3450.
- Raleigh White/New Seasons– Good Samaritan shelter holding 40-60, located at 2804 Philips Dr., Albany. Contact: 229-432-0222.
- Cutliff Grove Baptist Church– Good Samaritan shelter holding 75-100, located at 839 W. Broad Ave., Albany. Contact: 229-344-3199.
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Church– Good Samaritan shelter holding at least 150, located at 400 Pine Ave. Contact: 229-436-1284.
- Mt. Zion Baptist Church (MLK location)– Good Samaritan shelter located at 1905 Martin Luther Kind Blvd. Contact: 229-436-2418.
- Albany Transit System– Proving transportation to shelters. Call 229-446-2700 for more info.
- Islamic Center of Albany– Distributing food while supplies last at 2415 Sylvester road in the old Winn Dixie parking lot.
- Tide Loads of Hope-Washing clothes for free daily from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Civic Center located at 100 W Oglethorpe Blvd.
- Creekside Coin Laundry– Offering detergent, dryer sheets and washers and dryers for those displaced or without power. Located at 1584-A U.S. 19 S Leesburg, GA. Call 229-496-5853 for more info.
- Albany YMCA– Offering showers to those displaced by storm and without hot water. Located at 1701 Gillionville Road. Call 229-436-0531 for more info.
- Albany Community Acupuncture Clinic– Providing free acupuncture sessions to help relieve stress of those affected by storms. Clinic hours will be 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday Feb 4, and 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. on Sunday Feb 5. Located in Parish Hall at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 212 N Jefferson St.
- Westover Animal Hospital– Accepting animals. Located at 410 N Westover Blvd. Call 229-883-1618 for more info.
- Leesburg Animal Hospital– Accepting animals and parking lot wi-fi. Located at 246 Walnut Ave S, Leesburg, GA. Call 229-759-8384 for more info.
- Peanuts friends.org– Helping locate and return lost pets. See https://www.facebook.com/groups/PeanutsFriends/ for details.
- Sherwood Baptist Church– Accepting monetary donations for storm relief efforts. Mail a check to Sherwood baptist Church 2201 Whispering Pines Rd. Albany, GA 31707 with the memo:”#HelpAlbany”, or donate online at www.sherwoodbaptist.net/give and select “Help Albany” in the drop down menu.
- UnitedWay of Southwest Georgia– Accepting monetary donations benefitting nonprofit organizations aiding in storm relief in county of donor’s choosing: Baker, Calhoun, Dougherty, Mitchell, Worth, or county in greatest need. Donate at www.unitedwayswga.org/help.
- Dougherty County School System– Accepting monetary donations in the form of either cash or checks which can be delivered to DCSS Administration building at 200 Pine Avenue, or mailed to DCSS Disaster Recovery Fund at P.O. Box 3170, Albany, Ga. 31706. Item donations such as clothing, hygiene products and non-perishable food can be dropped off at DCSS’ facility located at 722 Corn Avenue. Contact: 229-431-1264.
- American Red Cross– Accepting monetary donations to support the cost of providing for disaster victims. Donate through AT&T by texting TORNADO to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
- Mission Change– Accepting monetary donations to assist with costs associated with providing for storm victims. Donate by texting GIVE to 229-469-8069 or online at paypal.me/missionchange.
- Dougherty County Rotary Club– Accepting monetary donations in order to provide financial assistance to storm victims through a grant application process. Contact [email protected] for more info.
- Providence Church– Accepting monetary donations for relief efforts. Donate here with the note “Albany Relief Fund.”
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Church– Accepting monetary and item donations to meet the needs of those affected by storms. Donate at https://www.gofundme.com/storm-relief-fund.
- First Baptist Church Albany– Accepting monetary donations for storm relief needs and supplies. Located at 145 Oakland Parkway Leesburg, GA. Contact: 229-883-8000.
- First Baptist Putney– Accepting item donations of water, gatorade and non-perishable food items for shelter guests. Located at 1125 Antioch Rd. Contact: 229-436-5101.
- Raleigh White/New Seasons Church– Accepting breakfast, lunch and dinner foods to serve to shelter guests; servers needed. Located at 2804 Philips Dr. Contact: 229-432-0222.
- Coca-Cola bottling plant– Accepting bulk, palleted items at 925 Pine Ave. Contact: 229-883-1910.
- Woodall’s convenience stores, GooGoo Car Wash & the Hearts & Hugs Foundation– Accepting monetary donations to be distributed to organizations assisting with storm recovery. Donate here.

Albany Storm Relief Updates
Albany storm relief updates, via Dougherty County and the City of Albany, Georgia:
February 1, 2017 – 5:45 p.m.
- Albany Utilities has restored power to all affected…

Albany Storm Relief Updates
Albany storm relief updates, via Dougherty County and the City of Albany, Georgia:
February 1, 2017 – 5:45 p.m.
- Albany Utilities has restored power to all affected homes
- Town Hall meetings, jointly hosted by Dougherty County Chairman Chris Cohilas and City of Albany Mayor Dorothy Hubbard, will be held for citizens to receive information directly from FEMA representatives regarding eligibility for FEMA assistance and how to register. Meetings be held:
– Thursday, February 2, 2017 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the Government Center, 222 Pine Ave, in Room 100.
– Tuesday, February 7, 2017 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at Dougherty High School 1800 Pearce Avenue, in the auditorium
– Thursday, February 9, 2017 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at Radium Springs Middle Magnet School, 2600 Radium Springs Road, in the cafeteria.
– – –
- Georgia Search and Rescue has officially ended their search for the missing child. All search and rescue efforts have concluded at this time. This matter has now been returned to the Dougherty County Police Department as a missing persons case
- 5 confirmed fatalities, Patricia Gohman died to head trauma injury resulting from the January 22nd tornao
- As has been reported, the official FEMA Declaration has been confirmed for the January 2 storm (Storm 1) for individual and public assistance. The official FEMA Declaration has been confirmed the January 21-22 (Storm 2) for individual assistance.
- The Dougherty County School System will be closed until Monday, January 30, 2017
- Road blocks: Holly Rd. at Hwy 19- no access, Holly Rd. at Moultrie Rd., Sylvester Hwy and Branch Rd.
- Road closures: Honeysuckle Rd., Holly Dr., US 82 Eastbound at Ramsey Rd.
- Albany Utilities has restored power to 310 homes, with 3250 homes still without power
- Georgia Power has restored power to 100% of its affected customers
- Missing child matter of 2 year old Dedtrezz Green has now been transferred back to the Dougherty County Police Department as a missing child case
- Law enforcement will be monitoring traffic so that power lines can be restored and patrolling neighborhoods to deter criminal activity
– – –
January 26, 2017 – 2:15 p.m.
- President Trump announces the approval of Federal Declaration and FEMA assistance for Albany-Dougherty County regarding January 22, 2017 storm
– – –
January 25, 2017 – 3:23 p.m.
- Georgia Governor Nathan Deal confirms Federal Declaration of Disaster by President Trump and granting of FEMA assistance for Albany-Dougherty County regarding the January 2, 2017 storm
– – –
January 23, 2017 – 12:49 p.m.
- Currently in active search and rescue
- 3 Georgia Search and Rescue teams on site
- Preliminary search of known affected structures has been completed. Secondary technical searches in affected areas currently underway
- Flyover survey to chart tornado path has been completed
- Albany Utilities, Georgia Power and Mitchell EMC all have power to damage structures and are working to repair damage
- Tremendous amount of state resources working jointly on storm disaster relief efforts, including Law Enforcement, Georgia Department of Transportation, Georgia Forestry Department and Georgia Search and Rescue
- Power substations and circuits affected by storm: 20 station, all circuits; 17 station, kroger circuit; 10 station, treatment plant and 4 points circuit; 9 station, #5 feeder breaker
- Affected areas: Lilly Pond/Newton Rd. areas, Airport, Habersham/Forsythe areas, Cochran/Madison/Willard areas, Wells/Southgate areas, Radium Springs/Patrol/Cannon/Edwards areas, 600 Holly trailer park, Roxanna/Virginia/Hibiscus areas, Devencrest mhp, US 19/Holly, Mock/Stanford areas, Mock/Duitman areas, Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Johnson Rd./Sylvester Rd., Cresent/Cherokee areas, Sylvester Rd. and surrounding areas, Pine Glen subdivision, Hill Rd./County Line Rd., Tompkins/Pearce/Brierwood apartments, Brierwood area, Mercantile/Teche/Mobile areas, 1611 Krug business, Martin Luther King businesses, Riverview/Flintrock/Malone areas, Imperial Rd./Bettys Dr. areas, Evergreen/Hemlock areas, Abbey/Shannon/Brittany areas, Gary/Sharon areas, 1400 Whispering Pines Garden Apartments
- Roads closed: Dougherty St., 2500 block E. Doublegate Dr., Honeysuckle Dr., 2500 block Oxford Dr., 900 block W. 1st Ave, Holley Dr., Briarwood Dr., 200 block of Denson Rd., Madeline Rd., Johnson Rd., 200 block of Schley Ave., US 82 Eastbound at County Line Rd.
- Dougherty County Emergency Management Agency has created Facebook and Twitter pages to provide important updates and information. Both pages can be found at @DoCoEMA or by searching Dougherty County Emergency Management Agency.
– – –
January 12, 2017 – 5:12 p.m.
- FEMA and GEMA are currently conducting city and county property damage assessments as well as individual assessments with staff
- Less than 1,000 homes are without power. City staff will be working throughout the impacted areas to identify and assess the number of homes that are without power due to meter, weatherhead or structural damage
- Completion of Property Damage Information survey is encouraged and can be completed online. *COMPLETE SURVEY HERE*
– – –
January 11, 2017 – 10:29 a.m.
- Governor Nathan Deal toured the impacted areas yesterday with the Senator, State Representatives and City and County Officials
- Governor Deal signed a request for federal declaration for Dougherty County and seven other counties
- FEMA and GEMA will be in the area to conduct city and county property damage assessments as well as individual assessments with staff today (Wednesday, January 11)
- Started with 2/3 residents without power (25,000), now we are more than 85% restored
- Approximately 340 linemen working to restore power from ECG partnering cities and neighboring communities
- The power outage map will be updated and posted to the website and social media pages
- 27 debris crews on the ground clearing streets
- Collected approximately 34,000 cubic yards of debris, less than 5% of the total debris to be collected
- 24 Officers are working overnight patrol of the affected areas (Lake Park, Rawson Circle and Cromartie Beach area) 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m
- All traffic signals are now operational
- 79 roads were closed, 62 roads are clear and reopened as of yesterday
- 17 roads remain closed (not including alleys)
- 1 Red Cross shelter remains open (Civic Center)
- Faith-based and community organizations have set up relief sites
- 1,635 (Homeowners- 988, Renters- 647) Property Damage Information Surveys have been completed to capture the full scope of structural and/or personal property damages in an effort to seek federal assistance. We are encouraging citizens to continue completing this survey. *COMPLETE SURVEY HERE*
– – –
January 10, 2017 – 3:56 p.m.
Due to the extensive areas of power outages across the city, numerous city pump stations have been without power potentially resulting in raw sewage overflows into adjacent waterways. As a precaution, the public is advised to avoid contact with water in the city canal system, storm water ponds and the Georgia Power Dam Reservoir near Turner Field until further notice.
For more information on the pump stations contact Mr. Jeffery Hughes, Sewer Systems Superintendent, at 229.883.8998.
– – –
January 9, 2017 – 4:40 p.m.
- Georgia Governor Nathan Deal to tour Albany-Dougherty County on Tuesday January 10 to survey damage.
– – –
January 9, 2017 – 4:38 p.m.
- FEMA and GEMA will be in the area to conduct city and county property damage assessment and individual assessments with staff on Wednesday
- Insurance Commissioner and SBA toured the areas of impact
- Congressman Sanford Bishop, State Representatives and other elected officials visited affected areas to meet with those who have been impacted by the storm
- Started with 2/3 of residents without power (25,000), now we are more than 85% restored as of yesterday (Sunday)
- Approximately 340 linemen working to restore power from ECG partnering cities and neighboring communities
- 27 debris crews on the ground clearing streets
- Collected approximately 32,000 cubic yards of debris, less than 3% of the total debris to be collected
- 24 Officers are working overnight patrol of the affected areas (Lake Park, Rawson Circle and Cromartie Beach area) 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
- Transit started with no operational routes, now all transit routes are operational
- All traffic signals are now operational
- 79 roads were closed, 62 roads are clear and reopened as of yesterday
- 17 roads remain closed (not including alleys)
- Last night there were 13 shelters open with 162 guests
- Red Cross shelters will remain open at the Civic Center and Avalon United Methodist Church
- Faith based and community organizations set up relief sites
- 1,222 Property Damage Information Surveys have been completed to capture the full scope of structural and/or personal property damages in an effort to seek federal assistance. We are encouraging citizens to continue completing this survey *COMPLETE SURVEY HERE*
– – –
January 8, 2017 – 3:28 p.m.
- Significant progress has been made to restore power
- A map of areas without power will be provided and updated daily
- Approximately 2,500 homes are still without power. (Note: A more detailed update regarding areas without power and plans for restoration)
- The number of lift stations without power has been reduced to 15
- Please do not co-mingle household trash and landfill waste (mattresses, sofas, etc.) within the curbside storm debris (wood products)
- Please be aware of hanging limbs or wires that may fall due to strong winds and clean-up efforts
- 24 Officers are working overnight patrol of the affected areas (Lake Park, Rawson Circle and Cromartie Beach area) 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
- All traffic signals are now operational
- 62 roads were cleared and reopened yesterday
- 17 roads remain closed (not including alleys)
- Last night there were 14 shelters open with 116 guests
- 972 Property Damage Information Surveys have been completed to capture the full scope of structural and/or personal property damages in an effort to seek federal assistance. We are encouraging citizens to continue completing this survey. *COMPLETE SURVEY HERE*
– – –
January 7, 2017 – 6:53 p.m.
- An estimated 1,500 commercial and residential properties have been affected with some storm damage
- An additional 108 line workers have been brought in to assist in the restoration effort. This brings our total numbers of line workers to 340 with equipment and rolling stock
- Significant progress has been made to restore power to the areas that are still without power (3,500). Several hundred restored to date
- 27 debris crews are on the ground; Crews have collected 28,000 cubic yards of debris which is less than 3%
- The number of storm sewer stations without power has been reduced to 16
- An estimated 300 homes have sustained severe damage and have meters and weather heads (service poles) that have been separated from the home; affected residents must contact an electrician to repair the meter before power can be restored
- 28 additional law enforcement personnel were deployed last night with enhanced activities in the affected areas; 20 additional officers will be deployed over the weekend
- 19 traffic signals should now be operational
- 79 roads are closed, not including alleys
- Last night there were 16 shelters open with 115 guests; 1,500 people have been feed at the shelters
- Property Damage Information Survey has been created to capture the full scope of structural and/or personal property damages in an effort to seek federal assistance; 569 surveys have been completed as of this morning
- DCSS has delayed opening until Tuesday, January 17th
- Wal Mart has generously provided an in-kind grant to American Red Cross for towels and blankets
- The Marine Base has been providing tremendous volunteer support to the community along with equipment and cots
– – –
January 6, 2017 – 12.53 p.m.
- Power has been restored to approximately 1,500 homes
- Linemen from the Jacksonville Electric Authority joined crews today
- Six (6) additional crews have joined the 14 crews already working with debris clean up throughout the impacted areas
- The City has partnered with the Red Cross and they are providing the following shelters
– Albany Civic Center (100 W. Oglethorpe)
– Avalon United Methodist Church (3018 Gillionville) - 11 Good Samaritan shelters have also opened
– The Church at the Groves (holds 25) @ 130 McIntosh Farms Rd., Leesburg. Contact: 229-439-7056
– East Albany Church of God (holds 75-100) @ 216 Pine Bluff Rd., Albany. Contact: 706-566-3450
– Raleigh White/New Seasons (holds 40-60) @ 2804 Philips Dr., Albany. Contact: 229-432-0222 (Partner Churches: FBC, Albany & FBC, Leesburg)
– First Baptist Church of Albany ( holds 100-130) @145 Oakland Pkwy., Leesburg. Contact: 229-883-8000
– Amazing Grace Baptist Church (holds 150) @ 2117 Ledo Rd., Albany. Contact: 229-886-4745 (Partner Churches: Forrester, Greenbriar & The Refuge)
– Byne Baptist Church (holds 150) @ 2832 Ledo Rd., Albany. Contact: 229-436-5700
– First Baptist Church of Leesburg (holds 30-35) @ 135 Main St., Leesburg. Contact: 229-759-6576 (Partner Church: FUMC, Leesburg)
– First Baptist Church of Albany ( holds 100-130) @145 Oakland Pkwy., Leesburg. Contact: 229-883-8000
– Sherwood Baptist Church (holds 100) @ 2201 Whispering Pines Rd., Albany. Contact: 229-883-1910
– Mt. Zion Baptist Church (holds 60) @ 1905 MLK Dr., Albany. Contact: 229-432-6837
– Albany Family Worship Center @ 3024 Kensington Ct., Albany. Contact: Bobby Paul 434-0324
– Albany Christian Church @ 1501 Whispering Pines Rd., Albany. Contact: 436-0416
– Victory Tabernacle @ 32520 Sylvester Rd., Albany. Contact: 344-4630
– Cutliff Grove Baptist Church @839 W. Broad Ave., Albany. Contact: 229-344-3199
– Trumpet of God Ministries @ 600 Pine Ave., Albany. Contact: 229-395-6413
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January 5, 2017 – 3:39 p.m.
- Georgia Governor Nathan Deal declares a state of emergency for four South Georgia counties affected by tornado: Baker, Calhoun, Dougherty and Mitchell counties.
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January 5, 2017 – 3:12 p.m.
- City will announce plan for Red Cross emergency shelters at 5:00pm – one west, one central, one east – open through Monday.
- Scope of damage caused by storms is more extensive than early estimates. Easy to average problem infrastructure has been repaired. Remaining outages are more complex.
- Inventory of power poles is sufficient to support replacing the 100 downed poles.
- Outage map to be released online soon.
- City is encouraging finding long term solutions for displaced citizens.
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January 5, 2017 – 2:24 p.m. The National Weather Service out of Tallahassee, Florida confirmed that an EF1 tornado was responsible for the damage to Northeast Dougherty County on Monday, January 2, 2017. Straight line winds estimated at up to 85 mph also caused significant damage and was widespread across the City of Albany and Dougherty County. The Insurance Commissioner or his designee will be touring the areas of impact today, along with representatives from the Small Business Administration (SBA).
The City staff and crews, along with resources from neighboring communities are
working diligently to provide relief and restore power. Updates on those efforts are
as follows:
- Over 100 linemen from neighboring cities have been provided to assist with the widespread power outages. Seventeen (17) neighboring cities have also provided crew assistance:Thomasville, Camilla, Cordell, Ellaville, Blakely, Moultrie, Douglas, Fitzgerald, Cairo, Adele, Burnsville, Griffin, Sandersville, Lagrange, West Point, Whigham, Sylvester.
- Electric Cities of Georgia provided two (2) Safety Instructors to assist with crew safety.
- TransWaste has provided 13 grapple trucks for use in clean-up efforts
- Increased manpower and resources has also been provided by Crisp Power, Trees Unlimited and Ashland Company
- Major progress has been made with debris clearance of street entrances. Additional crews will be assisting Public Works to expedite remaining debris clean up from roadways
- Six (6) substations are still significantly affected. There are considerable extenuating circumstances where power restoration is challenging and complicated because of unsafe conditions and structural damage.
- The estimated time for restoration of power to substation areas without challenges is as follows:
– Substation #2 (Slappey, Haley) – Main circuits are energized. Anticipated restoration within 3-7 days
– Substation #3 (Palmyra Subdivision, Phoebe) – One circuit is down; 75% has been restored. Anticipated restoration within 3-7 days
– Substation #5 (Lake Park, Sherwood) – Circuit is completely down, has not been energized. Anticipated restoration within 7-14 days
– Substation #9 (ASU West, Gillionville) – Most of the circuit is energized, one circuit is down.
Anticipated restoration within 1-3 days
– Substation #17 (Turner Field, Cromartie Beach) – Circuit is completely down, has not been energized. Anticipated restoration within 3-7 days
– Substation #19 (Oakridge, Willie Pitts) – Main circuit is energized. Anticipated restoration within 3-5 days - Telecommunications is working to restore fiber optic internet service
- All residents who have sustained severe damage and have meters and weather heads (service ] poles) that have been separated from the home, must contact an electrician to repair the meter before power can be restored
- All residents are asked to bring their debris to the curbside or alley for collection.
- The County landfill hours have been extended until January 15th for residents who choose to dispose of their debris. Hours are:
– Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
– Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
– Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. - Public Works has resumed their normal schedule for trash pick-up (90 gallon barrel). Please leave barrels out until collected.
- All Transit routes including Para Transit are operational, with the exception of Orange (North Jefferson), Red (Don Cutler, Cromartie Beach) and 1X (Sylvester Road).
- Volunteers are available to assist with debris clean up to be collected from curbside with priority to elderly and disabled citizens. For assistance contact (229.483.6226, 229.483.6227 or 229.483.6228).
The City appreciates the community’s patience during this time. Our top priority is to restore services to all impacted area as soon as possible. Please continue to minimizeall unnecessary travel and exercise caution of predatory contractors.A meeting will be held for neighborhood watch leaders and community organizers atthe Law Enforcement Center (LEC) in the Community room this afternoon at 2:30p.m. (201 W. Oglethorpe Blvd.). The purpose of the meeting is to provide storm reliefupdates for the areas that are still without power and not receiving news reports.This meeting will allow the city to communicate the most updated information. Additional updates will be provided as information becomes available.
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